All your charging.

Just one Tap

Tap helps drivers find and
pay for chargers that are available,
reliable and affordable.

And we help owners, installers and
operators collect payments and manage
their chargers. At no cost.

Power on Tap.

Fast. Simple. Reliable.

Say goodbye to poor charging experiences. Tap Electric uses state-of-the-art algorithms together with strict sifting policies to ensure a charging experience as it should be. Combined with the latest payment innovations and an intuitive interface, it gives you the power to charge with a single tap.

Instead of showing you every charger that ever existed, we show you the ones we trust. It allows us to always show you information about availability, pricing and power.

We always show the cost of charging before you start. During the session, we display real-time cost calculations. Immediately after charging we provide an invoice that you can store or share, or you can subscribe for a monthly invoice.

You will receive a free Tapkey with a subscription (free or paid plans available) to tap on the charger. It works seamlessly with the app and is the first charging key ever to come with built-in security against theft, copying or emulating.

Charge with Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit or debit right after downloading the app. You can choose to log in, subscribe or charge anonymously.

Share public chargers with your colleagues, neighbours or friends with Tap Charging Groups. Together you make sure the chargers are available when you need them.

Enable payments

Get paid for usage of your chargers

Connect your car park and start earning. And did you know that many airbnb hosts already offer their chargers exclusively to their guests with Tap Electric payments?

Set up with the app or contact sales for help with your particular situation.

Tap us an email at [email protected].